Monday, August 26, 2013

Holy Devoted

I have started reading about our friend Job again.  He is most likely the most popular man in history, besides Jesus himself.   He is a man whom we can all identify with.  He is our friend; because, we all can consider ourselves one with him when we experience various trials.  But, can we consider ourselves one with him when we compare our responses.  You see Job, never wavered in his dedication to his Lord. ( our Lord). Can we look to ourselves and find the same devotion?

When God was conversing with Satan it was Job's devotion that caused God to state ," What do you think of my servant Job?  There is no one like him on earth- he is truly a good person who respects me and refuses to do evil."( Job 1:8)

Can your name be placed here ?  What do you think of my servant ____________?**

for we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them"  ( Ephesians 2:10)

** Taken from Daily with the King, by W. Glyn Evans